Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Watsons Chapter Reflections Due Tomorrow

Hey y'all--Happy Wednesday!  Don't forget to have your Watsons Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 reflections ready for me to check tomorrow.

See you then!
Miss Whitman

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Works Cited HW

Hi all,

Based on the confusion some of you had about how to do your Works Cited page, I've made it homework again for tonight, to be turned in tomorrow during language arts class.  To help you out if you're still confused, here is a sample version (you should also have the sample version that you received in class with my notes on it).

Also, is a great resource for citing articles that don't already provide you with the MLA citation at the bottom.

If you're still confused, check out this BrainPop video.  It's a winner!

Much love and wishes for a beautiful Tuesday!
Miss Whitman

Monday, February 23, 2015

Homework and Upcoming Items

Hi there, lovely students, and Happy Monday!

What a whirlwind day it's been with our new testing schedule.  Parents, I'm sure you already know this, but during PARCC testing time, all students at CMS and CHS will be following an eight-class-per-day schedule, which means that classes are shorter (41 minutes each) but take place EVERY day.  I told the students that this would help them to get into the habit of doing their homework as soon as it's assigned, but they weren't as excited about this as I'd hoped.  :-)

A few items I wanted to mention...

1. SRC 2 was due on Wednesday, February 18th, and some students have still not turned it in.  Please do so for late credit ASAP.

2. SRC 3 is due on Friday, March 6th.  Now is a GREAT time to start planning out how much you need to read each day to be able to finish your book in time.

3. Many students, as well as some parents, have been asking about due dates for the two writing assignments we're currently working on in class--one on a Civil Rights event/figure and one arguing for or against competitive sports.  Unfortunately, I still can't say exactly when these items will be due because access to the library and computer lab are very limited during testing time.  My intention is to allow students as much time in class as possible to get their papers finished, but students who are wasting time in class will have to do some work at home.

4. Bibliographies for your Civil Rights Movement papers are due TOMORROW.  This is an easy homework grade if you simply follow the instructions on the sample bibliography that you received in class today.

Have an AWESOME day!
Miss Whitman

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday 2/2/15

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope that y'all had a restful and enjoyable Super Bowl weekend!  A couple of announcements and reminders...

Students have received the initial assignment sheets for their mini-research papers relating to various figures and events from the Civil Rights Movement.  This research fits very nicely with our current class read (The Watsons Go To Birmingham), the arrival of Black History Month, and the content students are learning in Seventh Grade Social Studies.  I wanted to make available the list of student research topics as well as the assignment sheet.  The due date will be determined once I've arranged our library research time.

I want to make available all of the chapter reflections that students are assigned as we read our class novel.  These reflections are to be completed as we finish reading each chapter of the book.  Here are the reflections for Chapters 1-2 and Chapters 3-4.  I'll aim to upload all of the reflection sheets at some point in the quasi-near future.

I have given students the option to come after school any day this week except Wednesday (due to a staff meeting) to correct the errors in their benchmark exams.  By doing these corrections, they receive back 75% of the points they lost.  This can have a dramatically positive effect on their grades.  Students, please take advantage of this opportunity!

The first SRC of the marking period is due THIS FRIDAY, February 6th.  Please turn it in on or before that date (before = extra credit points!)

I gave students the option of entering this contest and sharing their entries with me in place of one of their four required SRCs for the marking period.  The contest entry deadline is February 20th, and I will not accept the assignment unless students have actually entered it in the official contest.

Have an AWESOME evening, and do great things this week!
Miss Whitman