Thursday, October 16, 2014


Hey Y'all!  Happy Friday!  This week really flew by!

Yesterday and today, we infused a bit of math into our language arts class, which I hope was at least a little bit fun!  From a practical standpoint, it should help you students to manage your reading time in a way that ensures that you finish your current books before your final SRC of the marking period is due (on October 30th).

Just a couple of quick reminders:

  • If your reading reflections are marked as missing, you can show them to me before the end of the day tomorrow for partial credit.  After that point, you will NOT be able tot get credit for them.  BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE CHECKS LIKE THAT ONE.  Hint, hint, nudge, nudge....
  • If I haven't received your third SRC, I've marked in "missing" in Genesis.  Please make sure it's submitted ASAP, as missing SRCs have a sizable impact on your class average.
  • Make SURE that you have your "Understanding Perspective and Point of View" homework with you in language arts class tomorrow.  I will be giving you a grade for completion and we'll be going over it in class.
  • Sometime in the near future, expect that I'll be doing a random "book check" to make sure that all students have brought their independent reading selections to class.  This is something that you should have EVERY day, no excuses.  Now you can't say you weren't warned!
  • If you are struggling, have questions, or need extra help, please know that I am here to assist you!  I am here in the morning by 7:15 each day, and in the afternoon most days until at least 3:30 (often a lot later).  Stop on by!  I'd love to see your face, hear what's new, and help alleviate any confusion you might have.
Have a great day!
Miss Whitman

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